Fucking 7-day mandatory ban for posting in a spam thread. Well see you NG BBS in a week!
Yes I'm going on this bandwagon. But I'm going to do it differently. When I like/love someone, I'll write "O", which stands for output. When another person likes me it'll be "I" for input. If it's both it'll be "I/O". You must comment to this news post to make an "I" appear.
I'll try to keep it in Alphabetical order using Word's awesome sort feature.
EchozAurora _O_ Radiogrounds buddy #1
HalcyonicFalconX _I/O_ She's my wife. Grey_Shado married us
lawlmaster _I/O_ Fuck prep 8, I wanna marry him in California!
paradox9 _I_ don't know him yet XD
Sensationalism _I/O_ <3 ^^
TheSilverGuitar _I/O_ A nice stranger who PMed me one day. He also stalks my userpage.
Shakyjake _O_ I PM-converse with him.
swaenK _O_ Radiogrounds buddy #2
Vincoid _O_
WATCHurFLAG_O_ I like him because he says so.
MrNiceGuytm_O_ My favourite noob.
I just got done cock-slapping your mother.
Don't be worried about the mushroom shapped bruise on her forehead.
Oh, and P.S. I blew a load on your sweaters and jackets. Its like insulent.
Actually my mother abandoned me when I was 5 years old. Can you please tell me where you found her?