I wanted to learn German since 2006. Got into it a bit back then, then stopped, but the interest stayed. So now I'm back at seriously learning German. This time I take it personal *determined gaze*. I (surprisingly) remembered the URL of the site I went to three years ago, which is (unfortunately) only for written German. So with the same seriousness and determination, I went to look for another media that would provide me with pronunciation/spoken learning. I found a podcast. So now I'm setting myself the objective of doing one written lesson and listening to one podcast per day, minimum.
I began lessons on livemocha.com, and so far it seems like a good resource, though so far I feel it lacks on the grammar side. I might just abandon the podcasts and go only with livemocha and cronimus.free.fr.
Now if German is your native language, here is how you can help:
- Point me toward any resource that could help me to learn German. Could be pretty much any media, but take note that right now my vocabulary is pretty restricted. Here is a link to the vocabulary of the lessons 1 to 9 (As of April 13 I'm at lesson 11).
- Give any sort of advice. Like insider's Hint & Tips.
Now these two things didn't require much implication. If you aren't afraid of commitment, you could always be some sort of a teacher, by giving me spoken and/or written lessons/exercises. This of course would be the most helpful and motivating thing.
I'm keeping this blog post for serious related comments. If you want to encourage me or say random shit just PM me. I approve comments myself so if you're not sure if yours is appropriate post it anyway.
Finished written lesson 21
Finished spoken podcast 4
Finished 44% of livemocha's German 101
<a href="http://sportsboy.newgrounds.com/">http://sportsboy.newgrounds.com/</a> knows German. You should talk to him.
Isn't he your brother? I want a native speaker if possible.