So... last year, Boss and I made a clock day video.
It won 3 Grammies, 4 Academy Awards, 6 Golden Globes, Nobel Peace Prize and Jesus' foreskin.
Needless to say, we're doing a sequel... sort of.
So yeah. This time, Stickman91 is also with us.
"Be in our credits!", yes, like last year, we'll take the first 15 people who want to be credited and have good/funny titles they want to be credited as.
In hexadecimal:
1. Chdonga, the cock bender
2. NeverHundred: The Chaos
3. OnionsXD - The Onions Dude
4. Nietzlawe the Credit-Hogging Glory Hunter
5. Rabid-Animals- Purveyor of Unsettling Plastic Devices
6. Mich - Belgian wafflenomming codemonkey
7. Sinitech: Provider of fresh babies
8. Timmy: Counter of Innumerable Terrible Credit Titles
9. (12:31:57 PM) .:Cassandra:.: I'm the kawai goddess of miscoloured fruit*
A. ZeroInsanity - Token Loli
B. tarahloveshentai - Has a Boss dildo
C. tri-circle - Master of loosely screwed hoes
D. RobotTaco - "im the strongest" (He's the strongest)
Or in binary:
1. Chdonga, the cock bender
10. NeverHundred: The Chaos
11. OnionsXD - The Onions Dude
100. Nietzlawe the Credit-Hogging Glory Hunter
101. Rabid-Animals- Purveyor of Unsettling Plastic Devices
110. Mich - Belgian wafflenomming codemonkey
111. Sinitech: Provider of fresh babies
1000. Timmy: Counter of Innumerable Terrible Credit Titles
1001. (12:31:57 PM) .:Cassandra:.: I'm the kawai goddess of miscoloured fruit*
1010. ZeroInsanity - Token Loli
1011. tarahloveshentai - Has a Boss dildo
1100. tri-circle - Master of loosely screwed hoes
1101. RobotTaco - "im the strongest" (He's the strongest)
Or in roman numerals:
I. Chdonga, the cock bender
II. NeverHundred: The Chaos
III. OnionsXD - The Onions Dude
IV. Nietzlawe the Credit-Hogging Glory Hunter
V. Rabid-Animals- Purveyor of Unsettling Plastic Devices
VI. Mich - Belgian wafflenomming codemonkey
VII. Sinitech: Provider of fresh babies
VIII. Timmy: Counter of Innumerable Terrible Credit Titles
IX. (12:31:57 PM) .:Cassandra:.: I'm the kawai goddess of miscoloured fruit*
X. ZeroInsanity - Token Loli
XI. tarahloveshentai - Has a Boss dildo
XII. tri-circle - Master of loosely screwed hoes
XIII. RobotTaco - "im the strongest" (He's the strongest)
Or in German:
Ein. Chdonga, the cock bender
Zwei. NeverHundred: The Chaos
Drei. OnionsXD - The Onions Dude
Vier. Nietzlawe the Credit-Hogging Glory Hunter
Fünf. Rabid-Animals- Purveyor of Unsettling Plastic Devices
Sechs. Mich - Belgian wafflenomming codemonkey
Sieben. Sinitech: Provider of fresh babies
Acht. Timmy: Counter of Innumerable Terrible Credit Titles
Neun. (12:31:57 PM) .:Cassandra:.: I'm the kawai goddess of miscoloured fruit*
Zehn. ZeroInsanity - Token Loli
Elf. tarahloveshentai - Has a Boss dildo
Zwölf. tri-circle - Master of loosely screwed hoes
Dreizehn. RobotTaco - "im the strongest" (He's the strongest)
Sequel sort of? this a direct sequel to the other one, it involves the same priest, and other stuff