You represent dreams so well!
I'm a french-speaking person, and your sock episodes remind me when I went to england for 2 weeks I dreamed in english!
You represent dreams so well!
I'm a french-speaking person, and your sock episodes remind me when I went to england for 2 weeks I dreamed in english!
I so much like the cat's voice!
Omfg this was incredible! I like all that british accent and weird story line. The main character founds all that story-line very normal. And the fucking dog trapped in your guitar! "You're not supposed to talk" "Bark, bark" ROFL
We can see this is a lot of work
But as others said, the caracters just move almost randomly. And why did you write Fin (in French) instead of The End? Just wondering.
The rotating circles in trees and in the dragon reminds me of cellular activity.
It was supposed to be someone burping?
I'm giving you 6/10, cause its hard to make a song with random sounds. But the song was... rubbish. And the kind of burp didn't sound like a burp.
it was like in a dream!
The black/white effect of the images was like in dreams!
The sounds, ideas, graphics were nice, but i think the creature acted like a human, and its ship wasn't very alien. with the aerodynamic shape, and the reactors and the overall shape, it looked similar to a shuttle.
Can't see a thing!
Please remove this white frame or just make it black, cause with the white-black contrast (most of the video is outside during night), we can't see a thing. What I saw was funny, I also thought that those body sprays couldn't attract only girls. I saw a Tag advert in French, and the motto is only translated (In French it says: "Vous avez été averti." which means you have been warned)
Very entertaining!!!
Great fbf animation and great line rider physics. I wonder how you combined line rider and the stick.
<p>It says <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acro nym> may <strong>not</strong> be used, but I<br />don't<br />believe<br />them.</p>
Age 34, Male
some college in Quebec, Canada
Near Montreal, Canada
Joined on 7/25/06